Final Productions

Full House Intro

Idea: re-filming the Full House Intro. Same shots, same characters.
Crew: Paige, Olivia, Emily, Ben
Actors: Cam, Daniel, Ben, Tim, Emily, Olivia, Paige
DP: Nadine
Monday, Nov. 28: looking for ideas
Tuesday, Nov. 29: casting actors, selecting outfits, finding locations
Wednesday, Nov. 30: filming day 1. We went to Paige's house during class and filmed the hair brushing scene and Daniel's Tutu dance. It was pretty fun seeing everyone in there outfits. It has been just two short scenes but it took us over an hour. I was responsible for the lights and camera, but I feel like the video could be more focused, which I unfortunately noticed back at school.
Thursday, Dec. 01: I finished editing the full house scenes we have so far. After that I synced some more of Mr. Muench's interviews 
Friday, Dec. 02: as a group we looked over all the stuff we have and decided how to go on from this point. And again I synced some more interview were I'm slowly getting faster in. I developed my own method how to do it best.
Monday, Dec. 05: today we filmed ben's starring scene where he is sitting on a bench and playing the guitar. We tried different ways and especially we had to show how to move so it looks more natural and more like in the original intro.
Tuesday, Dec. 06: we filmed Paige throwing a snowball, which was actually pretty difficult because we had make snowballs and everyone's finger were frozen afterwards. After that we also shoot Emily's starring scenes. In my eyes it turned out pretty well. For both scenes we used a reflector as our light source and was better than I expected.
Wednesday, Dec. 07: Instead of filming we had a crew conversation about the upcoming scenes. Together we decided on outfits and where we are going to film. The rest of this class we color corrected and finished editing what we have.
Thursday, Dec. 08: We met earlier this morning to use the time as much as possible. First we started with Tim's starring scene, which we will re- shoot on a different day. Later we went to Orvis to film our three boys sitting together and last but not least Cam's starring scene. Overall, we where really productive today.
Friday, Dec. 09: I stayed at home until Ben picked me up so that we can re-film Cam's starring scene but this time at the Equinox Pond. It looks a hound red percent better than the one from yesterday. Over the weekend we will film Liv's starring scene.

Tuesday, Dec. 13: I edited again, color corrected some scenes and after that I edited on my NYC video.
Wednesday, Dec. 14: I helped Georgia with the lighting in her PSA and later she wanted me to be in one other scene although I'm really bad at acting. During flexblock we filmed International Question. The very last one for me.
Thursday, Dec. 15: today we filmed our walking scene outside in the cold. For light we used some outdoor really  bright lights which worked well. Me and Sam set the light and then I called the actors to come outside. It took us like 10 takes which was definitely too long because my fingers were frozen afterwards. Back in class we edited and color corrected. In the end Mr Muench put a vignette on each clip to create a more cinematic look and it worked.

Artist and the Astronaut

Wednesday, Nov. 30: 
Mr Muench showed me how to synchronize the A-Cam with the external Mics and the B-Cam. I spent the whole Flex Block, D-Block and after school till 4.30pm on finishing 3 days of interviews (3x 45minutes). I learned that it's easier to synchronize the sound if I put a mark on "loud" words and after they are already pretty much synchronized you get rid of the echo by moving the audio frame for frame. 
+ Steps how to synchronize:
  1. Put A-Cam in timeline
  2. The first external audio recording goes right below and will be synced with the A-Cam
  3. (The same as in 2 but with the second microphone if used)
  4. Put B-Cam over A-Cam and sync those two
  5. Start a new event and do the next synchronization